July 12th, 2024
Thanks for supporting Terence Kernaghan and Marit Stiles’s Ontario NDP team. It’s time for something better in Ontario.
July 12th, 2024
TREATY NO. 9 TERRITORY: Ontario NDP Deputy Leader, Sol Mamakwa, released the following statement on Grassy Narrows and their legal action against Ontario’s Mining Act:
“As the MPP for Kiiwetinoong, I hear directly and frequently from First Nations and rights holders about the devastating impacts of industrial activities on our lands and waters.
Ontario must establish a framework for consultation that includes First Nations from beginning to end, to ensure their meaningful consent in the decision-making process of all industrial activities happening on their territories.
Grassy Narrows should not have to take action in the Superior Court of Justice to get the consultation they need. They should have a Premier willing to engage in meaningful Nation to Nation discussion. Instead, the Premier and his Ministers continue to fast track the mining process without the free, prior and informed consent of the rights holders in these territories.
They cannot continue to sell off our rights without First Nations rights holders consultation or consent. It is long past time for the Premier and his Ministers to stop hiding on this issue and give a serious response to Grassy Narrows and all First Nations across Ontario”.
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